(just like life ... wait a few minutes and the mood may change ... thankfully a flip is sure to follow back to the brighter side of life ... music is a fine flipper)
Alright, let's be honest. I am a serious music junkie. Have been most my life. And this year was a feast for the ears. Thus why I had a very difficult challenge of narrowing down the "best of" the year. SO I decided to not play favorites, and just compile a heaping helping of songs that filled the creative cave this year.
This was also an unexpectedly wild roller coaster year for me in many ways, and so the mix reflects that heavily. Packed with plenty of toe tappin' tunes, but a few of the feelin' blue tunes to make it a manic mix. That's life I suppose, the jolly good days where you just can't help but start a dance party in the kitchen followed by the days where a sad song soundtracks the soul.
Suppose you want to get to the tunes, and enjoy them as richly as I have. Truly an incredible year of music, that I aint quite ready to let go ... still hitting repeat on this mix daily. Hope you all find that same connection.
STAY ALIVE by Jose Gonzalez
(this songs moves me through every mood .... fliptastic!)
LF2013MIX (this includes all 113 favs! yep 113 ... it's a beast!)
LF2013TOP25 (way to hard to choose just 25, but for those of you not quite ready to take on the mega manic mix ... this is an appetizer for the ears)
contact, comments and to share your favorites list or mix>